Saturday, June 30, 2012

Little Of This....Little Of That.....

Today's posting is a little bit of everything......Yesterday,  it was almost 90 degrees here.....Humidity was through the roof also.  So for dinner,  I made a HUGE salad.  It was really good.

It had lettuce,  celery,  cubed ham,  cubed cheese,  tomatoes,  radishes,  pickles and egg.  I added some Kalamata olives to mine........

I want to show you what I have up on my wall.  I won this at an auction on FB.  I love it!  Its actually a queen sheet,  but it makes a perfect tapestry.

Last but not least,  I was a bad girl.  I went to a different Joann's today.  I got a skein of Lion Brand Sock-Ease,  2 skeins of Paton's Kroy Sock,  a skein of Serenity Sock.  Plus,  a Boye Rosewood circ size 8,  and 2 Boye Rosewood Crochet Hooks,  size H and I.  I paid a total of $21 with sales tax. 

The circs aren't pictured. I pulled them out already.  LOL  I hope everyone has a great weekend,  and try to stay cool!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Mitts & Yarn Finds.....

I finished my 1st Elphaba mitt!  WOOT!  I love it!  I am really proud of myself!!! 

I also went to Joann's last night.  I found out they are having a HUGE clearance sale,  with an additional 50% off clearance items.  I got 6 skeins of sock yarn for $9.30 with tax.  So,  each pair of socks is $3.10!  I got 2 skeins of Heart & Sole by Red Heart.  I got 4 skeins of Soles & More by Joanns.  I am estatic!  The four skeins on the right are the Soles & More.  2 on the right is the Red Heart.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

WIP Wednesday.....

I am slowly working on my Elphaba mitts.  Its hard for me to balance reading on my Kindle and knitting.  I am addicted to the Carpathian series by Christine Feehan.  I am on book 3. So,  I am finally starting the thumb on my mitts.  I love them in this yarn. 

I will leave you another cute picture of Bean.  Happy Hump-day everyone!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Attack of Bean....

Gah!  I forgot what it was like to have a kitten in the house.  Bean is something else.  She plays hard,  then she just stops,  and falls over asleep.  Literally,  just stops & falls over.  I think she has a sleeping disorder!  LOL  Right now,  she is trying to climb my shower curtain.  This picture is her playing with the air.  It is just her,  I didn't pose her or anything.  No toys involved or anything. 

Funny story,  right after we got her,  I was searching the apartment for her.  Couldn't find her anywhere.  POOF! GONE!  About 20 minutes of searching,  I hear a small meow.  I look up,  and she is laying ON TOP of my curtain rod!!  She was stuck and couldn't get down.  She has no fear!!!! 

Have a great Tuesday everyone!!!!  

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Today is mine and Steve's 12 year wedding anniversary.  We went to a breakfast buffet and he surprised me with a yellow mini-rose bush!  Happy anniversary love!

Isn't it pretty???

I will leave you with a picture of Bean.  She now knows what the camera is,  and is now a total HAM!!!!

Happy Sunday everyone!!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Elphaba Mitts....

I am currently knitting a pair of fingerless gloves.  The pattern is called Elphaba.  In an earlier post,  I mentioned all the single skeins of Felici I bought,  this pattern is perfect for them.  When we moved at the beginning of month,  we changed from landlord controlled heat,  to electric baseboard heat.  So,  I am going to need some fingerless gloves to keep my hands warm this winter.  I guess I am trying to get a jump on it.  LOL  The color I am using is called Minty.  I also upped the needle size to a 2 1/2.  My friend,  Rilana,  made a pair of these on a size 2,  and they are a little snug.  Since we have the same size hands,  I upped the needle.  So,  here is the beginning 20 rows of my Elphaba's.

Aren't the colors pretty?  There is also a silvery gray that I haven't gotten to yet.  The pattern is very well-written and easy to follow.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Boring Few Days....

Just a quick note to say,  nothing much is going on!  Saturday night we took Steve's dad and mom out to dinner for Father's Day.  My poor husband ended up with a glass of Mountain Dew on his lap.  The waitress dumped the tray,  and luckily only the Dew went over.  Unfortunately for Steve,  it landed on his lap.  I couldn't help it,  I laughed my A** off.......

Sunday,  I ended up recuperating from Saturday.  We didn't get home until almost 11 pm.  Monday and today was more of the same.

 I have been reading an awful lot lately.  My best friend Rilana,  has been sending me books like a mad woman.  LOL  She is blowing up my email.  Thanks Lani!  I appreciate each and every one!

Hope everyone has a good rest of the day!  I will update soon......With pics next time.....LOL

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Little Bit Of Shopping.....

Last night,  Steve and I went to Target and my local mall.  While we were walking around Target,  I walked through the shoe dept.  They had Converse One Star sneakers,  on clearance for $17.48!  SCORE!!  I got a pink pair.......

Pretty pink Converse!

At the mall,  we went into Bath & Body Works.  They are having a HUGE sale.  Body washes and lotions on sale for $3 or $4.......

We got 7 body washes for $26.10.  We saved $51!   From left to right on the bottom:  Black Raspberry Vanilla,  Cucumber Melon,  Enchanted Orchid,  Dancing Waters.  From left to right across the top:  Pink Chiffon,  Mango Mandarin,  Twilight Woods.

I LOVE Bath and Body Works!  I only use their body wash and lotion.  I am addicted.  LOL  Have a great weekend all!!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

I Love Getting Packages.....

Knit Picks rocks!  Now that I have said that......WOOT!  My yarn is here!  I ordered it last Friday (the 8th),  and I got it today.  Not bad.  I ordered alot of single skeins (13 of them!) of Felici Fingering.  It was on sale,  and I love ankle socks.  So it was a win-win.  I also had a coupon code for a FREE skein of Brava acrylic.  I got the sport weight Brava in Soltice Heather.  It is super soft.  Well,  here is a picture of  my yarn haul.....

Sorry the picture is so dark.  Even with the flash on,  it still came out dark.  :(  

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I Am Mental!

For those who know me well,  you know this statement isn't too far off on a good day.  Well,  I think I went off the deep end!  The reason?  I signed up,  on Ravelry,  for the 26-pair-plunge.  What is that you ask?  Basically,  I make 26 pairs of socks in a year.  Which equals out to be 1 sock a week or 2 pairs a month,  plus 2 more pairs.  EEP!  It starts on July 1st,  so my blog will be busy with sock knitting over the next year.  I will need some encouragement though.  So please, help me by becoming a cheerleader for me......LOL

I will leave you with a picture of Bean.  She was trying to be cute last night.  Please don't tell her she succeeded.  It will go right to her head,  and she already has a large enough ego!  Have a great Wednesday everyone!

Aren't I cute?

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


We adopted a kitten a few weeks ago.  We named her "Bean".  She is a freaking Jumping Bean.  I thought kittens slept alot.  NOPE.  Not her.  So,  here is a pic of our Bean.....

In crafty news,  the First Fall of Knitty is up.  I think this is best Knitty that has been posted in a while.  My friend Rilana and I are going to knit Unleaving together.  Kind of a KAL.  If you want to join us,  feel free!  The more the merrier.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday!!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Garage Sale Finds.....

I went to some garage sales with my mother-in-law and Steve on Saturday.  It was raining at a pretty good clip when we started.  Which is fine,  people are willing to make deals when the weather isn't in their favor.  So,  here are some of my finds for Saturday....

I bought a bag that included 2 half-finished spool knitting rugs.  Both of them had spools attached.  The woman I got them from said her grandmother,  who recently died at 100 years old,  was working on these when she passed.  I paid $3 for the giant bag.  Here is the round one.....   

Close up of the round rug.

This is the oval rug on the left.  On the right is a ball with the yarn already "spooled",  just waiting to be attached.  Also,  some extra green yarn.   

I bought this Tiny Tailor sewing machine by Singer for $3,  she was asking $5.  It is a really basic sewing machine.  It has on and off.  LOL  But it is so cute.  It only weighs a couple of pounds.....

One of the many things I collect.  Old wooden cigar boxes.  I love them for ribbons,  buttons etc.  I got both of these for .50 cents each.  $1 total.  Love them.

I also got a few other things,  but these were my favorite "finds".  Have you ever found anything you are proud of?

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Bad Bad Blogger...

WOW!  I am a bad blogger!  I apologize.  There has been alot going on,  and I totally forgot about this.  I will do better.  I promise!!  :)